Privacy, Publicity,
& the Text Message

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Download and analyze the texts on your phone.

October 7

Use them to visualize patterns in the relationship between you and a friend.

An exercise designed by Jérémie Lumbroso, who will join us in class.


For those of you with Mac hardware, there are three elements you’ll need for this practicum: 1) PhoneView (software used for downloading text messages from your phone as plain text, CSV files on your laptop), 2) our visitor Jérémie Lumbroso’s code written in Python, and 3) Anaconda for opening and running Jérémie’s code. Here are the detailed instructions:

  1. Download the full, paid version of PhoneView using the link I shared in our Slack. Open the .zip file and move the program to your Applications folder.
    • If you have any trouble downloading your texts as a CSV file, if you don’t have the cable to connect your phone to your laptop, or if you would prefer not to use personal text messages for this exercise, feel free to use this sample CSV file adapted from the all-time greatest TV series.
  2. Download the code in Jérémie’s GitHub repository. Click the green “Code ↓” button and select “Download Zip.”
    • Once downloaded, open that .zip file to unpack its contents.
  3. Download Anaconda, a free, open-source distribution of Python and R. Click the ‘Download’ button on this page, and for Mac, select “64-Bit Graphical Installer (462 MB).”
    • Once downloaded, double click the installer file Anaconda3-2020.07-MacOSX-x86_64.pkg. The installer file will automatically place Anaconda-Navigator in your Applications folder.




For Windows/Android Users

Jérémie says:

For Windows computers, you can use iExplorer; for Android phones, you can use the SMS Backup and Restore app. Read this DigitalTrends article for more information. The notebook provided here may need to be adapted.
