
This list is subject to change according to the interests of the group and the direction our conversations take.


Wk. 01 | Jan 31 | Introductions; Platforms; AI

Introduction to the Center for Digital Humanities, our allied centers on campus, the class, the platforms we’ll use, and how the latest conversations on artificial intelligence intersect with humanities research. Briefly: distributional semantics, generative text, research infrastructures across industry & academia.

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Wk. 02 | Feb 07 | Histories of the Humanities

The history of science is a well-established field of research. What about the history of the humanities? This week we read accounts of the history of the humanities from antiquity to the present, and arguments for the distinct form of reasoning found in the humanities. Also: The idiographic and the nomothetic. The humanities’ relationship to truth claims. Pattern recognition across “the two cultures.” Then, data: tabular, tidy, structured, FAIR.

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Wk. 03 | Feb 14 | Histories of DH: From IBM Up to the Big Tent

How are DH scholars revising our understandings of the origins of DH as a discipline to include forgotten figures and the problematic origins of bureaucratic technologies? What did analog, manual approaches to quantification look like in the past? What was the state of “Big Tent” DH c. 2012? As we read about the use of older computing technologies, we’ll learn how to use the Unix command line and perform exploratory data analysis using a text-based program called VisiData.

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Wk. 04 | Feb 21 | DH Today: Meaning & Signal

What is the state of the digital humanities today? How are institutions thinking about the intersection of data science with well-established DH methods? How do researchers from various disciplinary backgrounds construe “meaning” differently? Then: a workshop on data wrangling in OpenRefine with Bryan Winston, PUL Digital Scholarship.

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Wk. 05 | Feb 28 | Is “DH” Now Just “H”?

Visit from Jeri Wieringa, Assistant Director, Center for Digital Humanities

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Wk. 06 | Mar 06 | Quantitative Methods: Models, Generalization, & Reproducibility

Visit from Jo Guldi, Full Professor of Quantitative Methods at Emory University

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🏝️ Spring Break 🏝️


Wk. 07 | Mar 20 | Scraping & Curating Structured Data

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Wk. 08 | Mar 27 | Maps & Spatial Humanities

Wk. 09 | Apr 03 | Artifacts & XR

Wk. 10 | Apr 10 | Very Distant & Very Close

Visit from Laure Thompson, Research Software Engineer, Center for Digital Humanities, to discuss topic modeling.

Trip to PUL Digital Imaging Studio to see Selene photometric stereo scanning system.

Wk. 11 | Apr 17 | Refusal


Wk. 12 | Apr 24 | Project Proposal Presentations